I am a Clinical Psychologist who has been practicing in the Chicago area for over 30 years. I see a diverse group of clients struggling with a range of problems and concerns that impair some aspect of their lives.  Some of these difficulties may be temporary reactions to a life crisis or transition, others may be deeper struggles related to trauma, family of origin issues, or some pattern of coping in the world that is ineffective or self-defeating.  

My goal is to provide a space that is safe and compassionate, and a process that increases your understanding of yourself, others, and yourself in relationship to others. I will help you empathically observe and challenge unhelpful patterns, and move towards the goals you seek in life and in treatment.

In addition to helping clients through adjustment to life crises, I have considerable expertise dealing with adults with histories of:  Trauma (particularly but not exclusively sexual trauma/abuse); Depression and other mood disorders; Personality disorders; Self-injury; Family of origin issues; Grief and loss; Transition to parenting/postpartum depression; Work/life balance; Identity issues at various life stages.